SM500F - A field-mountable videographic recorder
A 7-channel recorder with unique enclosure design that enables wall, pipe or panel-mounting.
Fully sealed IP66 and NEMA 4X enclosure ensures full protection against water and dust ingress, making SM500F ideal for hose down and dirty applications in even the most hostile environments. A choice of mounting options along with an ultra-slim design means the recorder can be installed in virtually any location, from panel and wall to pipe. Front-mounted pushbuttons allow easy selection of data in a user-friendly Windows™ environment. Simple commissioning, setting and fine tuning due to concise menus. Added support is provided by an extensive context sensitive online help feature.
RVG200 Paperless recorder
A secure, easy-to-use touchscreen, paperless recorder
The RVG200 recorder takes the established operating and security benefits of the ScreenMaster range one step further. Features include touchscreen ‘swipe’ operation, front and rear USB ports for connecting peripheral devices, including a barcode scanner and keyboard, and Ethernet and RS485 communications. Up to 24 process signals can be connected to the RVG200’s analog inputs or transferred to it via digital communications. |
SM3000 - Multipoint paperless recorder
An award winning state-of-art solution for recording and data storage
With up to 36 recording channels, an intuitive Windows-style interface, and unsurpassed environmental protection; the SM3000 is an ideal replacement for paper recorders and an excellent solution for a wide range of applications including water treatment plants, cold storage, stack gas monitoring, environmental monitoring, food processing and more.
Application areas where SM3000 recorder is used include:
- Environmental monitoring
- Water treatment plants
- Heat treatment
- Autoclaves
- Food, Dairy and Beverage processing
- Power stations
- Cold storage
- Emission monitoring
- Life sciences
DataManager Pro
An advanced process data management and analysis application to store and review data archived by ScreenMaster paperless recorders
DataManager Pro is a software that creates a database of recorded data providing secure long-term storage enabling instant access to data regardless of when or on which ScreenMaster it was recorded. The archived data can be transferred to DataManager Pro either manually, via the ScreenMaster's memory card, or automatically, via Ethernet communications. The stored data can be displayed in both tabular and graphical format and analyzed using the extensive array of tools provided. |
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